The wall of the colon. Diverticulitis occurs when the pouches get inflamed and tear.
What are the potential complications of diverticulitis? If the condition is not addressed, problems such as perforations and swelling can occur.
What are you able to do to stop diverticulitis from happening? Diverticulitis can be prevented by having a healthy, balanced life. Do your exercise regularly, eat high-fiber foods and stop smoking. Hydration is key.
Diverticulitis surgery is necessary for you? Though diverticulitis doesn’t cause damages to the digestive system, it could cause serious harm to the body. This procedure can be beneficial for you in the following situations: repeated attacks of diverticulitis Rectal bleeding for a long time, abdominal pain that is persistent and persistent Bowel obstruction Extremely slow bowel movement constipation and diarrhea. There are clear signs of sepsis vomiting and nausea There are two types of diverticulitis. One is called the bowel resection procedure with primary anastomosis, and the other is bowel resection with colostomy. Once the treatment for diverticulitis is carried out, you must get sufficient rest for at least two weeks. If you’ve been released from the hospital, you can arrange for the caretaker to take care of your needs.